Socrates is one of my heroes, for sure. One of the most striking things I remember while reading through Plato's corpus was how often and how sincerely he yearns to be proven wrong in order to know the truth. That is all that matters to him.
I would quibble a bit with the distinction between bullshit and lies because ultimately I think it must be a distinction without a difference. That being an inevitable consequence of evil described as privatio boni and therefore being unable to be chosen as evil. I think the problem of akrasia and its answer in a thoroughgoing ethical intellectualism necessarily imply that all of us are confused, in that even if we know we do evil by way of episteme it can't be by way of gnosis or grokking it.
I do need to revisit Lloyd Gersons paper on Plotinus' thought on the problem of akrasia. I haven't yet read the Enneads so no doubt there probably is a more nuanced way to read this. I am but a layman swimming in waters probably too deep for me, but these are my thoughts. Thanks for the wonderful article and congratulations on the new addition to the family! My wife and I are expecting one in January.
Socrates is one of my heroes, for sure. One of the most striking things I remember while reading through Plato's corpus was how often and how sincerely he yearns to be proven wrong in order to know the truth. That is all that matters to him.
I would quibble a bit with the distinction between bullshit and lies because ultimately I think it must be a distinction without a difference. That being an inevitable consequence of evil described as privatio boni and therefore being unable to be chosen as evil. I think the problem of akrasia and its answer in a thoroughgoing ethical intellectualism necessarily imply that all of us are confused, in that even if we know we do evil by way of episteme it can't be by way of gnosis or grokking it.
I do need to revisit Lloyd Gersons paper on Plotinus' thought on the problem of akrasia. I haven't yet read the Enneads so no doubt there probably is a more nuanced way to read this. I am but a layman swimming in waters probably too deep for me, but these are my thoughts. Thanks for the wonderful article and congratulations on the new addition to the family! My wife and I are expecting one in January.